Parenting, mentoring and coaching are examples of the kind of relationships that can shape a person and lead to meaningful growth. It’s not about what you do, but how you do your work and why – the strengths and passions you bring to the table, no matter where you sit. It also fosters curiosity, empathy and stability – all necessary qualities of a successful leader. Your passion affects everyone around you.

A new study of more than 250 managers and C-suite executives by Quartz Insights and WEfindings found that “goal setting impacts every aspect of business.

Why is goal-oriented leadership so important?

Minimise distractions and competing priorities – Consider how you can declutter your current work and focus on core tasks that align with your purpose. This absence is likely to leave you unwilling to contribute to the group’s efforts and results will suffer. The return-to-work phase is an opportunity for organisations to rethink their leadership approach and employee experience in a way that respects individual differences in personal life, skills and abilities, mindset, personal attributes and other factors, while adapting to rapidly changing circumstances. Purpose-driven leaders are usually characterised by the same drive, passion and focused discipline in their personal lives.

Why is purposeful leadership important?

A CEO needs to know both what is urgent and what is important and work accordingly, while fostering a values-based culture in the organisation. Transformational leadership is found, for example, at GE under Jack Welch. Typical topics in purpose-based leadership training programmes include the application of corporate values across the business, hiring and firing decisions based on core values, developing and maintaining a corporate purpose, and practising financial transparency. It is not just an option; people need leadership for personal fulfilment and to reach their full potential.

Purpose-driven leaders are influential not only because of their personal purpose, but also because of the way they integrate their personal purpose into the work and ultimately connect it to the shared purpose of the organisation.

How does a leader provide meaning and purpose?

Good leaders create opportunities for others and help their subordinates achieve personal goals. Often assignments are given that involve intricate details, such as how to dig a tunnel behind enemy lines. When leading employees, it is important to define their role in the work process and give them the tools they need to do their job and participate along the way. Leadership is important to the success of an organisation because it provides direction and purpose and helps others understand the long-term strategies and goals of an organisation.

Regardless of your position, understanding the role of leaders can help you contribute more meaningfully to the achievement of your organisation’s goals.