Goal setting should give people a direction to strive for, but not restrict their freedom to choose the way to get there. They should have all the information that relates to both the specific tasks and the organisation as a whole, and then they must try to pass this information on to the people in the organisation. The hope is that the sender’s message will come back as feedback, proving that the receiver understood the information correctly, was persuaded to support an idea, was motivated to follow a desired action, was amused, etc. Corporate communication is important for managers because it helps them to fulfil their basic tasks within the organisation.

Why is it important to have a clear goal for communication?

Communication is one of the most important social skills that every human being needs to survive in the world. Apart from the actual message you convey with your words, you say a lot about yourself and your company by presenting it in writing. This way, they can use and improve these skills, which will contribute to the overall success of the company. Effective communication ensures that you are not only able to convey your message, but also share your feelings and emotions.

Good communication is an essential tool for achieving productivity and maintaining strong working relationships at all levels of an organisation – and this has been especially important since the Covid-19 outbreak forced many people to work remotely.

How should purpose affect the way you communicate?

You will encounter these four purposes not only when reading for instruction, but also when reading for work or pleasure. This not only benefits visually impaired people, but also non-visually impaired people, because if they encounter a blind person in life, they can still communicate with them. Affective communication is the process by which people express feelings about things, themselves and others. I believe that Braille is effective because it makes visually impaired people very independent and makes life much easier.

Another way to overcome the barrier of hearing impairment is to use clear speech so that the person can lip-read; this requires a lot of eye contact as you have to make your face visible to the person trying to lip-read.